Robh Ruppel: What constitutes “Cinematic”?
On Twitter, production designer Robh Ruppel shared some thoughts on how to make an image cinematic. It's an interesting question. It's something I often wonder about when watching series. To me most TV shows, as well produced as they are these days, still lack something that films have. (Mini-series less so) Below is a transcript of his (short) twitter thread and the film stills he shared to illustrate his point:
What constitutes “Cinematic”? Is it wide screen, depth of field, anamorphic? All of these, none of these? Here are examples of cinematic images through film history that illustrate these ideas yet all are cinematic without dogmatically relying on a singular technical aspect.
Each varies in technical approach, some are black and white, some are wide screen, some have great depth of field, others hardly any. It is however those technical aspects that set it apart, that make it different from fashion photography or a photo journalism but the art of cinematography doesn’t depend on just those mechanical differences.