Video: Great advice for (future) story artists
This video is part of the Pixar series Paths to Pixar, it focuses on the career path of some of Pixar's story artists. It gives a great peak into the story process and also includes some great pieces of advice for aspiring story artists:
"Sometimes the business can be a place of No, you’re always getting told: “No”. (…) The only thing to say is, you have to learn how to pay your rent and be a creative person. And if that means living 48 hours a day, you have to. Draw a lot. Draw constantly. I think anybody who can draw, can draw and no one can take that away from you. So develop those skills. Anybody that can paint, you can paint and don’t need anyone else to tell you: no, you can’t do that. Yes, you can. Lear how to draw and draw everything. There’s the same advice which I took from the Disney people, in their letter that they sent to me: doing theater, drawing all the time, taking classes—
Great story people have great characters, because they lead interesting lives. They live outside of their work. They’re photographers, they’re pilots, they’re chefs— They live life and they learn about things and it is all necessary for the ingredients to telling a great story."