Pixar in a Box: The Three-Act Structure

A pic of me giving the old Luxo ball a kick. This photo was taken by my buddy Dirk when we visited the Pixar campus back in 2015. 

One of the greatest things ever is the Pixar in a Box Art of Storytelling course. I think I've mentioned it in an earlier post, it's a free course that, I've been told, closely resembles the pixar story internship. 

I like to do sections of this course as warm-up and cool-down exercises. For a while I was going through the course in a pretty steady pace, but lately I've been doing a lot of storyboard work (not a bad thing!) so I've been looking for time to catch-up. Yesterday and today I sat down to continue work on the third section of the course, which is focussed on story structure. 

These are some of my notes on the three act structure: 

Act 1. 

1. Once upon a time . . . 
2. Every day . . .
3. Until one day . . . 

Act 1 is where we meet the main character in his /her own world and see what role they have within this world. Act 1 ends with the inciting incident (point 3.). 

Act 2. 

4. Because of that . . .
5. Because of that . . .
6. Because of that . . . 

Act 2 follows a progressive series of complications and obstacles. Act 2 is where you beat up your main character a lot. Somewhere in act 2 is The Point of No Return. Act 2 often features a low point, usually at the end of act 2. In the act 2 the main character learns what is most important. 

Act 3.

7. Until finally . . .
8. And ever since then . . .
And the moral of the story is . . .

The third act opens with the crisis (point 7.) In act 2 the main char learned what is most important to him /her, in act 3 he /she has to fight for this most important thing. This thing that is most important to your character is usually the theme of your story.